Are you ready to party! Time for 2022 year price giving ceremony!

On Saturday November 26th it’s time to celebrate all our 2022 season Summit Racing EDRS Series award winners. We’re all gathering at Aronsborg Conference Center, Bålsta outside Stockholm for a great banquet. We wish you all a warm welcome, guests, racing partners, family and friends.

Friday is set for an organizers meeting where the season is up for discussions and plans and calendar for the upcoming season is to discuss. Saturday there is an information meeting for all interested in a review of the 2022 season and sharing of the plans for 2023. The Swedish meeting starts at 14.00 and a meeting in English is held at 15.00. Both meetings are held in the conference room “Kaffe Latte”. For you who instead want to relax, are the spa and pool area at the conference center open for all guests. 17.30 we’re gathering in the bar for a chat before the award dinner starts at 19.00. Warm welcome everyone to this last event of the 2022 years season. Then it’s time to look forward for 2023 years season.