Bike Weekend got in to bad weather

Unfortunately Bike Weekend at Tallhed Raceway last weekend had to be canceled when a lot of water came down on the track. If we all know the weather was not made for dragracing. At least in this area of the country.

-We had to end the race at about 13:00 on saturday as we didn´t have resourses  to get the track dry, even if it had stop raining, says Anders Höjer chairman of Night Criusers Färnäs who did arrange this special Summit Racing EDRS Series bike meeting. We did a check and saw that  it would take many hours to get the track in order. Sad but nothing to do about.

Today Anders can´t say if the event is comming back until next year.

-We going to discuss this in the board and see  where we end up, says Anders.

So if you want a pure bike weekend next year at Tallhed Raceway, let Night Cruisers Färnäs know.

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