SFI Europe Inspection Services for 2022

The season is about to start. And one of the early events of the season is the SFI European Inspection Service. The event is a bit scaled down this year due to the last years of restrictions. The information from SFI is as follow.
We are happy to announce that SFI will be providing the important annual safety inspections and recertifications of parts for European drag racers at local sites this year.
Unfortunately, due to logistical challenges, we will not be able to hold the full SFI Tour where we visit four different countries in a short period of time. For 2022, we are planning inspection services at two different sites in Europe.
One inspection site will be at ME Racing in Borlange Sweden on March 18-22. Parts must be registered and sent to ME Racing prior to those dates to minimize contact. Further details and online registration may be found here: http://www.meracing.com/news/sfi-re-certification-2022__1970
The other inspection site will be Santa Pod Raceway on Monday, March 21. Racers and team personnel may bring parts starting at 09:00. If you are unable to attend SFI UK Day on March 21, there is also the opportunity to bring your parts to Robinson Race Cars that week, March 22 to 25, by appointment only. Please contact Robinson Race Cars (info@robinsonracecars.com) for arrangements.
Here are the items that can be recertified:SFI 1.1-1.5 Clutch AssembliesSFI 4.1 Automatic Transmission Shields (rigid type)SFI 6.1, 6.2, 6.3 BellhousingsSFI 14.4 Valve Cover ShieldsSFI 15.3, 15.4 Wheels*SFI 29.1, 29.2, 29.3 FlexplatesSFI 30.1 Flexplate ShieldsSFI 61.1 Turbocharger
*Please note that any Weld Wheels must be recertified at Robinson Race Cars only.SFI would like to thank our team of inspectors at ME Racing and Robinson Racecars, we appreciate them very much.We wish everyone a healthy and successful 2022 race season!