Come and meet Martin-Emiil and all the other racers at Gardermoen Raceway

Gardermoen is starting up the 2021 season and they are doing it with two race weekends in a row. What a great start! One of all racers who´s going to be at the track next weekend is Martin-Emiil Petterson.

Martin-Emiil is doing his first ride in a junior dragster at Gardermoen next weekend, and he is very well prepared. Martin Emiil has good help from grandfather Peter Petterson who is taking his grandson thru all procedures at the track as well as before and after.

Of course, Martin- Emiil is exited to do this, he would not miss out of it for anything. It´s not every 5-year-old boy that can get in a vehicle that accelerates as fast as a Porsche! He let us know that he has been sleeping is his driving suit and talking about this last few days. At his preschool Hoppensprett no one knows much about drag racing, but Martin-Emiil does for sure.
In Norway you can start competing in drag racing when you turn 6. Gardermoen Raceway gives the opportunity to hire junior dragsters and racing suits for tests and take a license in the fastest motorsports on land.
If you going to spend next two weekends at Garermoen Raceway, please go and say Hi to Martin-Emiil and all other drivers. The pit area is, as usual, open for everyone. But remeber to keep a distans to be Covid-safe! There is more than 100 racers registerd in several classes. You going to have a blast with all fast bikes and cars! Don’t miss out of two stunning dragracing weekends!

He washes the hood so that it is clean and tidy, and adapts the 5-point harnesses in collaboration with grandfather Peter Pettersson and in other ways gets acquainted with the starting procedures in drag racing.

Photocredit: Tore Ravneberg

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