Winner and Runner Up´s from Tierp Internationals 2019
Tierp Internationals, first dragracing event of the season at Tierp Arena, and the 7th in Summit Racing EDRS Series is over. A weekend filled with great racing, very few clean-ups, records, a lot of personal best´s and all kind of weathers, but mostly hot and sunny. All in all a great weekend.
We also want to congratulare Pro Mod driver Freddy Fagerstom to his first 5 sec run, that came to Freddy in the second elimination round where he was beaten by Andreas Arthursson on 5,78 sec to Freddys 5.95 sec. A number he and team been working very hard for and did well deserved after a devastated winter.
The price cups winners of Summit Racing EDRS Serie is as follow:
Pro Modified: RU: David Vegter Win: Janne Ericsson
Competition Eliminator: RU Jens Eklund Win:Lars Georg Johansson
Street: RU: Mauritz Rådberg Win: Sami Holm
Pro Street: RU: Ossi Oikarinen Win: Peter Trång
Stock Super Stock: RU: Lars Johansson Win: Peter Munther
Super Comp: RU: Pontus Garefeldt Win: Micke Nilsson
Super Gas: RU: Kenny Åsberg Win:Christer Uhlin
Super Street: Win: Uffe Lundgren RU: Christer Gustafsson
Jr Dragster: RU: Atle Poolsaar Win: Eskil Dahls
Super Street MC: RU: Anders Blanck Win: Vesa Ruhanen
Super Gas Bike: RU: Jenni Pekkarien Win: Tryggve Kjaerstad Helgerud