2017 Summit Racing EDRS Series Banquet end one season and starts up the next
2017 Summit Racing EDRS Series has come to and end, and as usual we celebrated our great dragracing people with a great feast. About 400 award winners, teams, familys and friends showed up at Sunlight Spa and Conference Hotel in Nyköping the 25th of November.
A great evening with a three course dinner and many awards was handed out during the three course dinner. The evening did come to an end to fast,as usual. But now its time to look forward to next season. It´s just around the corner. While wating, you can take a look at the gallery from the Banquet.
The table set for the evening.
We couldn’t do drag racing without our organizers.
There is also a great group of Junors that is ready to take over the future of dragracing.
Atle Poolsaar is one of them. And he started off with a speech that got his mumfall in to tears.
Another young man is Tobbe Björnsson, former Jr Dragster driver, now supporting young juniors to drive safe at the tracks. Here awarded for his good work by JP from Simpson.
Annica Larsson, Super Gas driver since long, was awarded by VP Racing Fuels represented Bengt Ljungdahl, for the good representative person she is in motorsport and specially for drag racing.
Speedgroup saluts all and everyone in our fantastic drag racing family. Thank you for a great season. We will now continue our work of the 2018th season.