Frøya Raceway welcome spectators and racers

Fröja Raceway

Teams has already started to arrive to the EDRS drag race event at spectacular island Frøya Norwegian and the staff works hard on the arena.

-The time tree is on the way up and we all work with the track preparation and the sun is shining, says a happy Maja Udtian. We have a very great feeling about this event.

Fröja Raceway


52 teams have, so far, signed in and the forecast hopefully going to attract spectators as well.Fröja Raceway

Frøya Raceway on the very west coast of Norway is a new fresh track in EDRS. They have once been hosting a NDRS racing some years ago. The American Car Club at the island have been arranging meetings for some years and now they feel ready to take the step in to the European Drag Racing Series, which we are very happy for. It´s a nice landscape and a spectacular track.


Fröja Raceway

Sponsors of the weekend is: Fannrem Motorverksted/VP Racingfuels, Graneggen Bilglass, RS Bilpleie, Trønderdekk, Frøya Auto AS, CU Autoglass


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