Midnight Sun Drag Festival cored winners a bit earlier than planned

Midnight Sun Drag Festival crew had to take a hard decision by ending their Summit Racing EDRS Series event a day earlier than planned. Sad but a good decision as the rain poured down on Sunday.
By that we can now present all winner of the weekend and that is a very nice thing to do. Congratulation to all of You! We can also tell that a new track record was made. Not by a Summit Racing EDRS Series class, but anyway a great hapening for Pite Dragway! Top Fuel Bike driver Mikko Rajanniemi from Finland did race at Kauhava last weekend, but the bike did´nt go well. So, the team decided to go to Piteå for a testround. That went much better. Both new track record and a personal best at 6,389 sec/325 km/h. A prove of a great job by the track prepp crew. Well done everyone. Next race is at Sundsvall Raceway, dont miss that!
Winners and Runner Ups of Midnight Sun Dragfestival
Photo cred: Ingemar Norberg

Top Doorslammer: Winner-Kenneth Lingvall_Runner Up-Jan Brännvall

Street: Winner-Thomas Sandström_Runner Up-Björn Tjärnberg

Pro Street: Winner-Lars Berglund Runner Up-Birgitta Lindström

Stock/Super Stock: Winner-Theodor Brandt Runner Up-Elina German

Pro ET: Winner-Matthias Munter Runner Up-Joakim Andersson

Super Pro ET: Winner-Amanda Sjöström Runner Up-Siri Johansen

Super Comp: Winenr-Mikael Nilsson Runner Up-Mats Arntzen Wanvik

JrDragster: Winner-Alfons Åberg_Runner Up-Lina Andersson

Street Bike: Winner-Love Andersson Runner Up-Johan Petersson

Super Gas Bike: Winner-Felix Sjödin_Runner Up-Kurt Andersson