BANQUET November 21st 2020 – Information
Welcome to join us for an evening to celebrate drag racing and honor the 2020 Award winners, meet and have fun!
Event: Banquet and awards presentation for the FIA European Drag Racing Championship, Summit Racing EDRS Series incl. EDRS Pro cars, EDRS Pro Nordic Motorcycle Drag Racing Championship.
Hosted by: Speedgroup
Date: Saturday 21 November
Location: Aronsborgs Konferenshotel, Bålsta SWEDEN (book on link below)
Time: Dinner and awards presentations starts at 19.00 (banquet hall opens at 18.30).
Preparty mingle 17.30
>>> LINK TO SIGN-UP FORM<<< (click link to open!)
Entry and payment deadline: October 21th
late entries may be considered (depending on availability).
Contact person: Lena Perés tel. +46 70 7301755
Please let us know if you have any food allergies or require a vegetarian alternative when signing up!
Dinner and banquet: 695 SEK/person adult
Appetizer: Salmon flakes with avocado, pico de gallo, lemoncurd and herbs/Laxflakes med avokado, pico de gallo, citronkräm samt kryddgrönt
Main course: BBQ calf with lightly smoked onion emulsion. Baked tomatoes and roasted root vegetables and BBQ gravy sauce /BBQ kalv med lättrökt lök & ramslök-emulsion. Bakade tomater och rostade rotsaker samt BBQ-skysås
Dessert: Aronsborgs chocolate Gateau with vanilla cream and ice cream/Aronsborgs Choklad Gateau med vaniljecream och glass
Childrens menu (age under 13): 195 SEK/child Arons Hamburgers, bread, salad, tomato, pickled onion, cheese and chives Chili emulsion & Aronsketchup/Arons Hamburgare, bröd, sallad, tomat, picklad lök, ost och klyftpotatis. Chili emulsion & Aronsketchup
DRESS CODE: Smart Casual
SWE: Festklädsel. Gärna kavaj och slips för herrarna, kjol/klänning för damerna!
The banquet includes awards for
– Summit Racing EDRS Series*
– EDRS Pro Nordic Motorcycle Drag Racing Championship*
– FIA European Drag Racing Championship*
*Trophies and diplomas will be presented on stage to positions 1-3 based on the final points rankings.
In case you are an award winner and wish to arrange for someone to pick up your trophy – please contact us. We do not send any trophies, but they can be picket up later by agreement.
Diplomas for Summit Racing EDRS Series positions 4-10 can be ordered from
Delivery on November 21th during the day.
Bank transfer: within Sweden please transfer to bankgiro: 5886-3598
International payments to Speedgroups account in SEB Bank
Transfers in SEK: IBAN: SE 5450 0000 0005 2871 022 704 BIC: ESSESESS
Transfers in EUR: IBAN: SE4650 0000 0005 9378 251 358 BIC: ESSESESS
Paypal to:
Swish: 1236678221 (within Sweden)
Please respect the payment deadline October 21th. We reserve the right to cancel unpaid reservations after the deadline.
DAY PROGRAM – INFORMATION MEETINGS – Don´t miss the opportunity to attend!
Date and location: Aronsborgs Konferenshotell, Bålsta
Speedgroup invite teams, stewards and organiser representatives to attend a one hour information meeting. We share the latest information in regards to the series and championships we work with and other relevant matters connected to Speedgroups operation. There will be time for questions after each meeting.
Schedule for meetings to be advertised later.
Location: The conference room at the second floor
No sign-up needed to attend the meetings. Speedgroup wish you welcome!
Aronsborgs Konferenshotell, Bålsta Sweden
ROOM RESERVATIONS: (Copy link to browser or click to open)
Contact Aronsborg at +46 (0)8 22 59 59 or email Booking code: SPEED
Rates per room/night SEK:
Double/Twin bed room: 1250:-
Including breakfast. Please, make Your reservations as soon as possible if you wish to stay at Aronsborg (the room capacity is limited).